There’s no better adventure than traveling the world – so why not share your experiences along the way? Social media is one way to do that, but if you want to go more in-depth, you should start your own travel blog. In this article, we will show you how, and we will share some good tips for becoming successful!
Find a good angle
You can choose to have a general travel blog where you write about a bit of everything. That will be easy and fun. But if you want to make the content particularly interesting for your future followers, try to find a specific angle so you can stand out in the blogging space.
Maybe you’re a foodie traveler. Perhaps you’re a low-cost tourist and want to show others how cheap it is possible to travel. Or, on the contrary, maybe you’re a luxury traveler and you want to show off a bit. Maybe you’re a nature freak, or maybe you’re a city dweller. Everyone has their preference, and the blog should put a clear emphasis on something.
Your blog could be centered around a specific part of the world. Some people make successful blogs about one continent or group of countries. If you love Southeast Asian culture, focus on that. If you love the Spanish and Portuguese languages and you’re traveling through South America, the blog should be centered around that.
Whatever your purpose of traveling is – make that your angle! There are many travel blogs, so decide on a plan and try to stand out.
Decide on a good name
All websites, including travel blogs, need a name. Preferably a good name. So think it over and find a name that suits your blog. The catchier, the better.
NameMesh and Wordoid are sites that can help you find some inspiration if you don’t have any ideas yourself.
If you want a very personal blog, the name of the website can simply be your own name. Say, for instance, or Something of that nature.
The challenge is finding a good name that isn’t already occupied. But it can be done – so think it over well and find a nice name!
Register your domain
After you have decided on a name, you have to register your travel blog.
You do that by registering the domain name. That makes it yours, and it will be your own little address on the internet. You can register your domain at sites such as Bluehost, Hostinger, HostGator, etc. But wait a moment before you do it… the next step is important to read first.
Choose a web host
Along with your domain, you need a place to host it. This allows you to actually have content, files, photos, videos, and such on your domain.
Most bloggers order their domain and their web hosting service simultaneously. Many web hosts even give you the domain for free if you sign up for a year of hosting.
In the beginning, you can choose a cheap web hosting service – and then you can upgrade later if needed. Services usually start around $4 per month and go much higher. You typically pay up-front for a year or more.
The most popular web hosting services are Bluehost and HostGator. Both work really well and are suited for beginners. Prices are low, and first-time customers get huge discounts. If you’re looking for something else, you can try Hostinger – this is where our site, Scope Trip, is hosted.
Set up your site
Here comes the part that many bloggers fear. But don’t worry – setting up the site is easy!
When you have your domain and your hosting service, your website needs to be built. You will use a Content Management System (CMS) for this. Your host will have a function called a 1-click installer. We recommend you install WordPress – the best and easiest CMS.
It takes around a minute to install it. After that is done, you will go to your domain, and in the dashboard, you can select a theme. In fact, you can easily structure everything on your site, and you can add articles, media files, everything. Play around with it, and once you feel comfortable, let the real work begin!
Make good content
This is the crucial part. In order to succeed as a travel blogger, you need good content.
Make sure you write quality articles. Tell your best tips. Write about your favorite places. Give people insights into your journeys.
Quantity is also important. Longer articles are usually more successful than short articles. Each article should at the very least be 500 words long, and exceeding 1,000 words per article is preferable. We know that travel is time-consuming, but try to post new articles somewhat regularly. At least every month – and if you can do it weekly, even better!
Add photos, videos and anything else you like. When it comes to travel blogging, the visual elements are important! So share your best pictures and do your best to impress the readers.
Promote your blog
It will take a while before your blog gets a large audience. You need to build first – the more content you have, the more likely it is that you will attract readers.
However, there are several things you can do to speed up the process and make sure people will see your site.
Share it with your friends and family and on social media. Make a post on Twitter every time you publish something new on your blog. If you’re following other travel blogs, interact with them – see if you can guest post on their site, or at least write a comment. Use travel forums, contribute useful information, and tell people about your blog. Maybe some newspaper or media outlet will want to hear your story, and that could be a solid opportunity for exposure.
There are many ways to promote it. And it doesn’t require a marketing budget or anything – just do your best to get the name out there!
There you go!
We have covered all the basics. Now it’s up to you. Work hard and have some patience. Having a travel blog is fun, and if you can make it popular and even earn money from it, it’s even better.
Best of luck with your travels and with your blog. If you have started a blog already, or if you have any further advice for others, then feel free to comment below. It will be an opportunity to share your blog as well!